Selected: Clarinet

Clarinette La - Buffet Crampon - Legende Greenline

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Standard / Usine Setup
Système: Boehm
Percer: 14,55mm Poly-cylindrical
Trous de ton: des trous de mine
Clés des anneau: 19 cl_s & 6 annau, convex
Matériel: Grenadill-Mpingo
Tampons: GT waterproof, leather and natural cork
Matériel de Mécanique: maillechort argent_
Gamme: Mi
Mortaises: Tapered wood with cork
Repose pouce: Adjustable
Ressorts: Blue steel springs
Barils: 64 & 65 mm
Etui: Le?gende finish: high tech, shell, brown leather, single or double (Bb and A clarinets), case cover for Le?gende case

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